The inclusive fees set out in Schedule 6, are expressed in units rather than with reference to a prescribed fee.

The inclusive fees are blocks of work linked to key stages in the case and vary in value depending on the nature of work that is covered by the fee.

Regulation 5(2A) of the Civil Fees Regulations fixes the value of a unit. In order to calculate the fee payable you multiply the number of units with the value of the unit.

You should wherever possible use our online systems to prepare your account the fee will be calculated automatically and the system also has a number of rules and helpful hints which prevent you claiming for incorrect fees.

In this section

Civil Tables of Fees, mixing blocks and details, Sheriff Appeal court and time limits for submitting accounts

Charging your account on the correct Tables of Fees

Find out what table of fees you must use to submit your account.

Civil Tables of Fees, mixing blocks and details, Sheriff Appeal court and time limits for submitting accounts

Submission of account of expenses and completion of account synopsis: when must your final account be submitted by?

Find out when you must submit your account at the conclusion of proceedings and complete account synopsis

Civil Tables of Fees, mixing blocks and details, Sheriff Appeal court and time limits for submitting accounts

Circumstances where we are entitled to apportion or modify inclusive fees

Circumstances in which we have authority to apportion or modify any fees set out in Schedule 6