Tables of fees available for children’s legal aid

Fees and outlays incurred under Children’s Legal Aid are governed by the civil fees regulations [Regulation 3 (1) of the Civil Legal Aid (Scotland) (Fees) Regulations 1989 as amended].

Children’s accounts are chargeable in accordance with Schedule 5 of the civil fees regulations, which prescribes a Table of Fees where payment is due from the Fund on a detailed basis (excluding automatic legal aid). This covers Court of Session cases, cases listed in Schedule 7.  Schedule 7 includes children’s legal aid under the Children (Scotland) Act 1995, the Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act 2011 and the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Scotland) Act 2019.

Automatic children’s accounts are chargeable in accordance with Schedule 3 of the advice and assistance regulations.

In this section

Introduction to children’s legal aid fees

Introduction to Children’s accounts legislation

Learn about the legislation applicable to Children’s legal aid accounts.

Introduction to children’s legal aid fees

Basis on which we assess requests for payment of children’s fees and outlays: the standard of taxation

Learn about the standard of taxation we apply to the assessment of Children’s Legal Aid accounts.

Introduction to children’s legal aid fees

What information should you supply with your children’s legal aid account?

Find out about what information needs to be provided to enable us to assess an account and what further information we can request.