Completing the suspected legal aid fraud form

If you suspect someone is receiving legal aid fraudulently, please complete as much of this form as you can. Do not worry if you don’t know the answers to some of the questions. All the information you provide will be strictly in confidence and although you do not have to give us your name or contact details you can if you wish.

Please only use this form to tell us about a legal aid applicant’s financial circumstances. If you have information about the legal merits of the court case or want tell us something about a legal aid solicitor do not use this form.

Strict rules of confidentiality contained in the legislation prevents us from telling you what is contained in an individual’s application and what action has been taken on the information you have sent to us. To do so would mean committing a criminal offence. However, you should not assume that we have done nothing simply because you do not hear from us in response to your submission.

Unless you have new information, please do not make multiple submissions using this form, as this can slow down any investigation process.

If you would prefer to report suspected legal aid fraud by telephone then please call our Assurance team on 0131 560 2108. Someone will be available to speak to you Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm.

You can also write to us at: Assurance, SLAB, Thistle House, 91 Haymarket Terrace, Edinburgh, EH12 5HE or email

NOTE: Please read our website information about eligibility for criminal or civil legal assistance before filling in the form.