Doing business with us

This section provides you with information about how we buy goods and services.

We are committed to best value procurement and continuous improvement. All purchasing activities will be carried out in a professional and ethical manner, incorporating transparency, fairness and accountability. We actively encourage small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) to do business with us and are committed to developing and promoting equal opportunity for all.

Our procurement strategy is conducted in accordance with all relevant law, regulation and guidance, including:

  • The Scottish Public Finance Manual
  • Scottish Procurement & Commercial Directorate’s (SPCD) Policy Handbook
  • SPCD Procurement Journey
  • SPCD Guidance including Policy Notes
  • European Directives, obligations and principles
  • The McLelland Report (review of ICT infrastructure in the public sector in Scotland)
  • Scots Law of contract
  • Our Financial Memorandum
  • Equalities legislation and best practice
  • Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002
  • Our code of conduct.


Our policy is to award contracts through a competitive process.

Contracts with a value above £10,000 will be advertised using the Public Contracts Scotland (PCS) portal. The PCS ‘QuickQuote’ facility will also be used for lower value contracts where appropriate.

The following thresholds will apply in determining which competitive process is used.

Estimated Lifetime Value of Contract Process
Less than £1,000 Verbal enquiry with two suppliers
£1,000 to £10,000 Three written quotations or “QuickQuote” process via Public Contracts Scotland
£10,000 to £50,000 Five written quotations using “QuickQuote” process via Public Contracts Scotland
£50,000 to £214,904 Five written quotations using the formal “Full Tender” process via Public Contracts Scotland
Greater than £214,904 Public Contracts Regulations (PCR) via Public Contracts Scotland

Contract opportunities and award notices

Our current contract opportunities and award notices can be found on the Public Contracts Scotland website.

Sustainable procurement

We are committed to sustainable procurement. This is where the procurement process is focussed on achieving value for money on a whole life basis and generating benefits not only for us, but also for society, the economy and the environment.

Issues of sustainability and corporate social responsibility will be considered and incorporated in the procurement process wherever appropriate.

Terms and conditions of contract

The following standard conditions of contract are used for all straightforward purchases and contracts. They may be varied, at our discretion, depending upon the nature of the purchase.

File Type Size
Terms & Conditions of contract for Consultancy Services 280 KB | 31 March 2023 PDF 280 KB
Terms & Conditions of contract for Purchase of Services 289 KB | 31 March 2023 PDF 289 KB
Terms & Conditions of contract for Purchase of Goods 244 KB | 31 March 2023 PDF 244 KB
Terms & Conditions of contract for Supply of Goods 254 KB | 31 March 2023 PDF 254 KB

Contracts Register

Our Contracts Register is published regularly as required by the Procurement Reform (Scotland) Act 2014 and shows all contracts over £5,000 excluding VAT

Contracts over £5k

File Type Size
Contracts over £5,000 July 2024 113 KB | 23 July 2024 PDF 113 KB

Procurement Policy

Our Procurement Policy allows us to have a defined, clear approach to ensure that services are procured in order to increase the efficiency of public spending. The policy aims to ensure value for money and deliver financial savings without undermining the quality of services being procured.

File Type Size
Procurement Policy - May 2023 505 KB | 30 May 2023 PDF 505 KB

Contact Purchasing

Telephone 0131 226 7061
0131 240 2020