Case management meetings between us and a party or parties in a high cost/complex case

In some cases, especially where there are several parties in a high cost and complex case, we may seek a meeting with all solicitors (and counsel if appropriate) to discuss:

  • Particular items of preparation
  • Progress of a case
  • Potential accounting issues

It is also open to you to request such a meeting.  Such a meeting can be beneficial to all parties as it will:

  • Enable us to obtain a better understanding of the case – allowing speedier and accurate decisions on post-certificate sanction applications
  • Assist you (and counsel where appropriate) to effectively plan preparation for a case – avoiding or minimising unnecessary delays or subsequent account queries


In this section

High cost or complex cases

High cost and complex cases

Find out how cases are identified as high cost or complex and what internal and external factors trigger cases being identified as high cost or complex.

High cost or complex cases

Dedicated staff members in high cost/complex cases

Find out what our dedicated staff members will do in high cost and complex cases including providing advice and helping to avoid duplication.

High cost or complex cases

When we may contact SCRA and other parties regarding high cost and complex cases

Find out when we might contact the SCRA/Reporter or other parties regarding the progress of a high cost or complex case.