Charging for meetings and consultations

Meetings with client

A meeting with your client is only chargeable where it is clear that you have given or received material advice which advances the proceedings. You can help justify the meeting by showing in the account that a development needed further discussion with your client.

You should provide sufficient narrative of this information including the primary purpose of the meeting. We will not pay for a meeting where it is apparent that a meeting was not necessary to advance the case.

It is important to support claims for lengthy meetings or multiple meetings with an adequate narrative.

Multiple meetings

Factors we are likely to take into account when assessing the number of meetings, and the time you are charging, include:

  • Your client’s individual needs, or ability to understand the proceedings and the consequences of their actions.
  • Novelty and / or complexity (if any) of the advice being tendered.
  • The need for an interpreter.
  • Material legal matters which have arisen since the previous meeting.

Precognitions framed following meetings

You should attach to the account all precognitions taken from your client at a meeting.

We can only pay for precognitions that contain relevant information likely to be used for giving evidence in court, restricted to salient facts. We will not pay for superfluous or repetitive content.

Where a precognition is framed that records information ordinarily to be found in a file note recording the terms of the meeting, no charge can be made for the precognition.

File notes

No separate charge is allowed for framing a file note arising from a meeting / telephone call or consultation.

Where the file note details a consultation in a case of complexity and importance and it can be shown why this was necessary, an exception will be made.

In this section