See profiles of our board members and senior management team in this section:

Board members

View a profile of each of our Board members.

Senior management

Find out more about our Executive Team.

Remuneration of our Chief Executive and Board

  • Colin Lancaster, Chief Executive, is paid £120,000 – £125,000 a year.
  • Dr William Moyes, Chair, is paid a daily fee of £338.60 for 104 days a year.
  • The Board member daily fee is £242 for 42 days a year.

Further information on the remuneration paid to the chair and board members is available through Scottish Government’s Public Appointments section:

Organisational chart of SLAB's Chief Executive, Principal Legal Adviser and four Directorates with Directors and Managers listed per department

Download our Management structure

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SLAB Management Structure 798 KB | 16 August 2024 PDF 798 KB