Showing items: 231 - 240 of 352


Annual report highlights important public function played by legal aid

27 November 2020

See our Annual Report and Accounts 2019-20, including performance & accountability reports, financial statements, key stats & fees paid to the legal profession


St Andrew’s Day and festive period payment arrangements

13 November 2020

View information about the payment dates over the St Andrew's Day and festive public holidays 2020.

All solicitor updates

Photocopying service on hold

11 November 2020

In line with government advice, we are currently unable to provide our photocopying service to the profession while our offices are closed for normal business

All solicitor updates

Update on client payments due to the Legal Aid Fund

10 November 2020

An update to steps put in place to help clients with payments, including contributions, expenses awards and terminations of legal aid.

All solicitor updates

Research on use of interim fees uptake during Covid-19

4 November 2020

Details of research with solicitors who have not submitted any interim fees to find out if there are any barriers to using Covid-19 interim fee arrangements


Civil legal aid research published

2 November 2020

See published research on rural issues literature review and our 2019 survey of civil solicitors.


Finance Administrative Officer

2 November 2020

This full time role is an excellent opportunity for someone interested in finance, payroll and accounts who is looking to develop their knowledge and skills.


Corporate Support Assistant

30 October 2020

A great opportunity to join our team in the Chief Executive’s Office, providing administration and business support.

All solicitor updates

Legal aid framework project publishes first policies and decision-makers’ guidance

29 October 2020

An update about a project to develop a new framework for our policies and guidance on legal aid applications and accounts.

Recruitment process underway for new legal and non-legal Board members

27 October 2020

Applications are invited for two roles on our Board - one legal member and one non-legal member.