Showing items: 61 - 70 of 352


Recruitment process extended for two legal members to join our Board

21 December 2023

Scottish Ministers are looking to appoint two legal members to our Board. Application deadline is Tuesday 2 January 2024.

All solicitor updates

Solicitor and applicant signatures update

14 December 2023

This update has more information on the position with regard to applicant and solicitor signatures on the legal aid declaration forms, including e-signatures


Post-consultation policy change to prior approval for unusual work will bring benefits for solicitors and applicants

30 November 2023

Update on changes to our policy removing the need for prior approval to be sought in certain circumstances for unusual work in family and AWI

All solicitor updates

St Andrew’s Day and festive closure, payment arrangements and emergency Helpline

23 November 2023

Our offices are closed Monday 4 December for St Andrew’s Day in line with Scottish Courts, with details of payment dates and opening times over festive period.


Changing the Chemistry with a Board recruitment event this Thursday 23 November

21 November 2023

Changing the Chemistry Eventbrite on Thursday 23 November to find out more about the Scottish Legal Aid Board currently recruiting new members to our Board.

All solicitor updates

Amended regulations for Carer Support Payments and National Security Act 2023 come into force

15 November 2023

Update on changes to legal aid guidance in force for No.4 Regs 2023 from Wednesday 15 November 2023 and Carer’s Assistance Regs 2023 from Sunday 19 November.


Recruitment process underway for new Chair and three Board Members

10 November 2023

Scottish Ministers are looking to appoint a new Chair, Solicitor, Advocate and non-legal member to our Board. Application deadline is Thursday 7 December 2023.


Civil firm activity filter added to our website solicitor finder

3 November 2023

Adding an activity filter should help potential clients and firms by targeting calls at only firms who have done selected civil case types in the last 12 months


Civil guidance on special urgency cover for Case Management Hearings in family cases updated, and new guidance on Closed Material proceedings

30 October 2023

This update is about new rules for family court cases that came into effect on 25 September 2023 and new guidance on Closed Material Procedure


Avoiding delays in decisions being made on Civil Financial Form 2

30 October 2023

This update is to highlight the importance of sending us certain required financial information to avoid delays in decisions being made on Civil applications.