Showing items: 241 - 250 of 353

Recruitment process underway for new legal and non-legal Board members

27 October 2020

Applications are invited for two roles on our Board - one legal member and one non-legal member.


Extended recruitment deadline: Two solicitors for CLAO Inverness

19 October 2020

We have vacancies for two solicitors in our Civil Legal Assistance Office network as part of the Highland and Islands team in Inverness.

All solicitor updates

Covid-19: Applicants’ signatures on online declaration forms

7 October 2020

Advice on applications being submitted without clients signing legal aid declarations during Covid-19 restrictions


Covid-19: Civil Legal Aid payments

7 October 2020

Update on who to contact if clients have change in their financial circumstances or difficulty in making their payments

All solicitor updates

Covid-19: Interim fee provisions – submitting claims every three months

7 October 2020

Update on availability of interim payments for all account types every three months providing claim is second or subsequent claim

Grant funding

Grant funding programme now open for applications

6 October 2020

Find out about applying for Debt Advice Journey Programme funding for projects aimed at improving access to free debt advice


Criminal Duty plans

2 October 2020

All criminal duty plans have now been issued for the period October 2020 – March 2021


We’re recruiting! We have CLAO vacancies for two solicitors and a trainee solicitor

2 October 2020

We have vacancies for two solicitors and a trainee solicitor in our Civil Legal Assistance Office network as part of the Highland and Islands team in Inverness.


Consultation launched about application of the Interests of Justice test in summary criminal sheriff court proceedings

1 October 2020

Details on our consultation about how we apply the Interests of Justice test in summary criminal proceedings in the sheriff court and how to submit your views

All solicitor updates

ABWOR can now be made available to appeal refusal of historical sexual offence disregards

25 September 2020

Find out about prior approval and eligibility to appeal refusal of historical sexual offence disregards