Showing items: 21 - 30 of 59


Policies and decision-makers’ guidance (DMG) published for clawback in Civil Legal Aid

22 June 2023

The polices and guidance on our GALA website are intended primarily for our decision-makers


Duty to report whether or not submitting a claim on the Fund

9 May 2023

It is a reporting requirement that you let us know whether you intend to submit an account, or submit a nil claim for a client.


Notifying us when lodging expenses for a client

21 April 2023

This update is to make you aware of our guidance on lodging expenses in favour of an assisted person.


Fee applicable for framing citations in Adults With Incapacity and Children’s legal aid cases

6 March 2023

We have amended our legal aid guidance on the framing of court forms for citations in Adults with Incapacity (AWI) and Children’s legal aid cases


Peer reviewers wanted for Civil Legal Aid Quality Assurance Sub-Committee

20 February 2023

Solicitors and non-solicitors with an interest in civil legal aid and regulation are invited to join the Civil Legal Aid Quality Assurance Sub-Committee (QAC)


Research finds people largely positive with civil legal assistance services during the pandemic

26 October 2022

Findings from surveys commissioned during 2021-22 of clients of private practice civil legal aid firms and of CLAO clients and contacts

All solicitor updates

Civil Advice and Assistance – applications on behalf of others

26 September 2022

Clarification on the legislation, which requires the person in receipt of advice and assistance to be the client for whom the work is being carried out.

All solicitor updates

Consultation launched about approval for unusual work in civil legal aid cases

1 August 2022

Seeking the views of the profession in a consultation on how we identify ‘unusual’ requests to approve civil legal aid work of an unusual nature.


Judicial expenses claims can now be made online

10 May 2022

Online claims can now be made when you are accepting judicial expenses. From 1 June 2022, paper synopsis will no longer be accepted. See our guidance.


Research with recipients of civil legal assistance

26 January 2022

Independent research commissioned with people who have had civil legal aid or civil advice and assistance to explore satisfaction and improve experience.