Solicitor updates

Showing items: 141 - 150 of 254


Peer reviewers wanted for Civil Quality Assurance Scheme

13 July 2021

Solicitors with wide experience in civil law and civil legal assistance are invited to join the Civil Quality Assurance Scheme's panel of Peer Reviewers


Criminal ABWOR fixed fee cases where a Criminal Justice Social Work report is being considered

13 July 2021

We have updated Legal Aid Online with an easier way of requesting an increase in limit for Criminal ABWOR fixed fee cases when submitting the ABWOR application.

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LAOL unavailable 12 July from 5.30pm until 7.30pm

12 July 2021

On Monday 12 July LAOL will be unavailable from 5.30pm until 7.30pm to deploy the latest changes and essential upgrade maintenance.

Legal Aid Online

New Legal Aid Online: Guidance for final switch

12 July 2021

We are shortly making the final switch to the new Legal Aid Online (LAOL) upgrade with users required to implement changes to the log in process.

Legal Aid Online

LAOL downtime scheduled for Sunday night

17 June 2021

Access to LAOL Legal Aid Online will be down for essential maintenance and unavailable between 8pm and 8.30pm on Sunday 20 June

All solicitor updates

New Criminal policies and Decision-makers’ Guidance published

17 June 2021

A further release of policies and decision-makers’ guidance in Criminal Applications matters for Guidance on the Administration of Legal Aid (GALA) project.

All solicitor updates

Use of interim fees for Covid-19 reasons

7 June 2021

A published paper which aimed to explore the use of Covid-19 interim fee arrangements and identify if there are any barriers to its use.


Workaround to resolve issue with agents-to-prison video software for Apple devices

2 June 2021

We have been notified of an issue with Apple devices using the latest version of the Polycom app for agents-to-prison video consultations.

Legal Aid Online

LAOL back online

18 May 2021

Following issues with LAOL the problem has been resolved and the online system is now available.


Criminal ABWOR fixed fee cases where a Criminal Justice Social Work report is being considered

4 May 2021

We have updated our guidance on requesting an increase in the limit for Criminal ABWOR fixed fee cases at the time of submitting the ABWOR application.