Solicitor updates

Showing items: 231 - 240 of 247

Legal Aid Online

Option to refer account to Edinburgh/local agent added to Legal Aid Online

16 April 2019

An Edinburgh/local agent function will be available in Court of Session cases if you provided the Edinburgh agent details in the CIV/SOL application and these h

Legal Aid Online

New restricted access option on LAOL for law accountants

11 April 2019

We have now developed a third party access solution allowing you to restrict access for law accountants to specified cases only.

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The Legal Aid and Advice and Assistance (Scotland) (Miscellaneous Amendments) Regulations 2019, to increase fees by 3%

9 April 2019

The increase was announced by the Minister for Community Safety, Ash Denham, as part of the Scottish Government’s wider response to Martyn Evans’s independent r

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New interim accounts process for payment of fees and outlays

3 April 2019

Following your feedback we have made changes so you can now submit more types of interim accounts online.

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Keycards for 2019/20 published

28 March 2019

These can be used for quick reference when you require information on the various eligibility limits, contributions and clawback levels.


Annual update on the Criminal Quality Assurance Scheme for Criminal Legal Assistance

15 March 2019

This is longer than previous reports as it covers the end of the first six year cycle of reviews which ran to the end of March 2019. 

Legal Aid Online

Online notifications for court granted and automatic legal aid cases

11 March 2019

Not all notifications are being sent to solicitors when we receive applications for court granted and automatic legal aid.

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Solicitor satisfaction surveys restarting

11 March 2019

Micro-surveys measuring solicitor satisfaction with our applications and accounts service are to get underway again this month.


Apply for the Children’s Hearings Duty Scheme 2019-2020

19 February 2019

You need to submit a duty application form by Friday 17 May.

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New SLAB performance measures provide a whole service assessment and drive improvements

24 January 2019

Our Corporate Plan set out our intentions to change our key performance indicators from April 2017.