Board Papers

What standard papers will be published?

The Board has agreed that the papers that deal with the following will be published routinely:

  • Progress against the Business Plan
  • How we are performing on a range of our functions
  • The current position on our administrative expenditure
  • Commentary on trends in legal assistance
  • Data on complaints received
  • Approval of the Annual Report and Accounts, Corporate Plan and Business Plan.

If any of these papers include sensitive information then we will recommend that the Board withholds the paper, redacts (blacks out) the sensitive information or we include the information in the Chief Executive’s update report which is categorised as ‘private’.

What standard papers won’t be published?

The Board has agreed that the following papers will be classed as ‘private’ and not published. These papers are more likely to contain information that is sensitive:

  • Papers on our risk registers
  • The current position on Legal Aid Fund expenditure and our expenditure forecast
  • The Chief Executive’s Report

Monday 20 November 2023

File Type Size
1. Approved Board Minutes 20 November 2023 78 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 78 KB
2. Administration Finance Report November 2023 106 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 106 KB
3. Business Plan 2023-24 Q2 Update 68 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 68 KB
3a. Business Plan 2023-24 Q2 Update Appendix 135 KB | 15 July 2024 PDF 135 KB
4. Complaints Report Q1 and Q2 Update November 2023 94 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 94 KB
5. Client Legal Services Update November 2023 165 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 165 KB
6. Operational Performance Report November 2023 126 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 126 KB
7. Meetings with Outside Bodies November 2023 73 KB | 15 July 2024 DOCX 73 KB

Monday 18 September 2023

File Type Size
1. Board Agenda 18 September 2023 59 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 59 KB
2. Approved Board Minutes 31 July 2023 76 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 76 KB
3. SLAB Administration Finance and Resource Report 104 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 104 KB
4. Annual Assessment of Board Effectiveness September 2023 61 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 61 KB
4.1 Appendix 1 Board Effectiveness Tool 66 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 66 KB
5. Revised Risk Management Framework Report September 2023 58 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 58 KB
5.1 Appendix 1 Risk Management Framework 399 KB | 3 April 2024 PDF 399 KB
6. SLAB Performance Report September 2023 120 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 120 KB
7. Trends Update September 2023 241 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 241 KB
8. Meetings with Outside Bodies September 2023 67 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 67 KB

Monday 31 July 2023

File Type Size
1. Board Agenda 31 July 2023 55 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 55 KB
2. Approved Board Minutes 22 May 2023 74 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 74 KB
3. SLAB Administration Finance and Resource Report 104 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 104 KB
4. SLAB Audit Committee Annual Report to Board 2023-24 88 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 88 KB
5. SLAB 2023-26 Business Plan Q1 Report 67 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 67 KB
5.1 Appendix 1 Business Plan 2023-26 Q1 Report 94 KB | 27 November 2023 PDF 94 KB
6. SLAB Performance Report July 2023 120 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 120 KB
7. SLAB Staff Performance Report July 2023 102 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 102 KB
8. Criminal Quality Assurance Scheme Annual Report to the Board July 2023 107 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 107 KB
9. Meetings with Outside Bodies July 2023 74 KB | 27 November 2023 DOCX 74 KB

Monday 20 March 2023

File Type Size
1. Approved Board Minutes 20 March 2023 75 KB | 26 July 2023 DOCX 75 KB
2. SLAB Administration Finance and Resource Report 89 KB | 26 July 2023 DOCX 89 KB
3. SLAB Budget 2023-24 100 KB | 26 July 2023 DOCX 100 KB
4. Trends Update March 2023 241 KB | 26 July 2023 DOCX 241 KB
5. Equalities Outcomes 2023-26 95 KB | 26 July 2023 DOCX 95 KB

Monday 12 December 2022

File Type Size
1. Approved Board Minutes 12 December 2022 64 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 64 KB
2. SLAB Business Plan 2022-23 Q2 Report 71 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 71 KB
3. Combined Q1 and Q2 Complaints Report 85 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 85 KB
4. SLAB Administration Finance and Resource Report 99 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 99 KB
5. SLAB Performance Report December 2022 94 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 94 KB

Monday 3 October 2022

File Type Size
1. Board Agenda 3 October 22 72 KB | 18 January 2023 DOCX 72 KB
2. Approved Board Minutes 3 October 22 67 KB | 18 January 2023 DOCX 67 KB
3. SLAB Administration Finance and Resource Report 90 KB | 18 January 2023 DOCX 90 KB
4. Operational Performance Report 140 KB | 18 January 2023 DOCX 140 KB
5. PDSO Board Report October 22 128 KB | 18 January 2023 DOCX 128 KB
6. Meetings with Outside Bodies 42 KB | 18 January 2023 DOCX 42 KB

Monday 15 August 2022

File Type Size
1. Board Agenda 15 August 22 57 KB | 10 November 2022 DOCX 57 KB
2. Approved Board Minutes 15 August 22 64 KB | 10 November 2022 DOCX 64 KB
3. SLAB Administration - Finance and Resource Report 73 KB | 10 November 2022 DOCX 73 KB
4. SLAB Business Plan 2022-23 Q1 Report 90 KB | 10 November 2022 DOCX 90 KB
5. Operational Performance Report 149 KB | 10 November 2022 DOCX 149 KB
6. Meetings with Outside Bodies 41 KB | 10 November 2022 DOCX 41 KB

Monday 27 June 2022

File Type Size
1. Board Agenda 27 June 22 56 KB | 26 September 2022 DOCX 56 KB
2. Approved Board Minutes 27 June 22 26 KB | 26 September 2022 DOCX 26 KB
3. SLAB Administration – Finance and Resource Report 73 KB | 26 September 2022 DOCX 73 KB
4. Operational Performance Report 95 KB | 26 September 2022 DOCX 95 KB
5. Meetings with Outside Bodies 40 KB | 26 September 2022 DOCX 40 KB

Monday 16 May 2022

File Type Size
1. Board Agenda 16 May 2022 56 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 56 KB
2. Approved Board Minutes 16 May 2022 48 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 48 KB
3. SLAB Administration – Finance and Resource Report 74 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 74 KB
4. Business Plan 2021-22 Year End Update 104 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 104 KB
5. Model Code of Conduct for Board Members 71 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 71 KB
SLAB Board Members Code Of Conduct 526 KB | 4 July 2022 PDF 526 KB
6. Combined Q3 and Q4 Complaints Report 91 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 91 KB
7. Operational Performance Report 95 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 95 KB
8. Meetings with Outside Bodies Report 45 KB | 2 August 2022 DOCX 45 KB

Monday 21 March 2022

File Type Size
1. Approved Board Minutes 21 March 22 24 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 24 KB
2. Property Asset Management Plan 299 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 299 KB
3. ICT Strategy Update 86 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 86 KB
4. Return to Office Update 75 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 75 KB
5. Business Plan 2022 23 Forward Look 76 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 76 KB
6. Operations Performance Report 100 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 100 KB
7. PDSO Board Report 69 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 69 KB
8. CLAO Board Report 156 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 156 KB
9. Meetings with Outside Bodies 51 KB | 20 May 2022 DOCX 51 KB

Legal Assistance Policy Committee (LAPC)

The primary purpose of the LAPC is to advise the Board on development and implementation of operational policies informing internal decision-making guidance on registration, applications and accounts, and external guidance for solicitors and applicants. The Committee:

  • Review operational policies informing guidance for applicants, solicitors and decision makers and advise to the extent that they meet the requirements of the LAPC Policy Framework
  • Review published guidance and advise to the extent that an agreed standard for published guidance is met
  • Seek assurance from the Executive that changes in the justice system are appropriately taken account of in existing operational policy
  • Carry out all other relevant activities as shall be deemed appropriate or as requested by the Board
  • Report annually and as may be required on the work of the Committee and any other significant issues to the Board
  • Act as a decision maker in review applications arising from cases initially decided by the Legal Service Cases Committee, or in cases otherwise referred to it by the Legal Services Cases Committee.

LAPC minutes 2022

File Type Size
LAPC minute Tuesday 6 December 2022 40 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 40 KB
LAPC minute Monday 15 August 2022 39 KB | 9 June 2023 DOCX 39 KB
LAPC minute Monday 4 April 2022 23 KB | 8 August 2022 DOCX 23 KB
LAPC minute Monday 1 February 2022 23 KB | 8 August 2022 DOCX 23 KB